Wednesday, July 23, 2008

John 13-- Humilitation and Hospitality

And before the Feast of Passover, Jesus, knowing that his hour came so that he would leave from this world to the Father, loving his own in the world-- to the end he loved them. And the feast occuring, the devil already having put into the heart of Judas Simonos Iscariot to betray Him, knowing that the Father gave all things to him into the hands and that he came from God and to go to God, arose from the feast and placed the outer garments and taking a towel he wrapped himself, then he put water into a basin and began to wash the disciple's feet and wiped with the towel which he had wrapped. Therefore he came to Simon Peter. He said to him, "Lord do you wash my feet?" Jesus answered and said to him, "What I do you do not know now, but you will know after this." Peter said to him, "You will not ever wash my feet." Jesus answered him, "If I do not wash you, you have no part with me." Simon Peter said to him, "Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and head." Jesus said to him, "He who has bathed does not have need to be washed, except his feet. But is wholly clean. And you are clean, but not wholly." For he knew the one betraying him. Because of this he said, "Not all of you are clean." Therefore when he had washed their feet and taken his garments and reclined again, he said to them, "Do you know what I have done to you?" You call me 'teacher' and 'lord' and you speak well for I am. If therefore, I-- the lord and teacher-- wash your feet, also you are obligated to wash each other's feet. For I gave an example to you in order that as I did you also should do. Amen, amen I say to you, a slave is not greater than his lord nor is the one sent greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. I speak not to all of you. I know those I have chosen, but in order that Scripture be fulfilled, "He who eats my bread raised his heel against me." From now I say to you before it occurs in order that when it happens you may believe that I am. Amen, amen I say to you, he who receives whoever I send receives me. And he who received me receives the One who sent me.

It was the time of the Feast of the Exodus and Jesus knew that his time on earth was short, and he was soon to go to the Father. Yet, he loved his disciples on the earth, and he never stopped loving them, even to the end. At the time of the Feast, the Great Liar already convinced Judas Iscariot to hand Jesus over to the authorities. Jesus knew that the Father had granted him authority over all things, and that his purpose was to come from God and to return to Him.
Given all this, Jesus got up from the meal, set aside his dress coat and put on an apron. Jesus asked all of the disciples if they wanted anything as a refreshment, filling their wine cups. Then Jesus took a basin, filled it with water and washed all the disciple’s feet, wiping them dry with his apron.
As he came to Simon the Rock, Simon asked, “Do you think you’re going to wash my feet?” Jesus responded, “You don’t get it now, but you will understand later.” Simon the Rock said, “No. You will NOT wash my feet. It’s too humiliating. I won’t let you.” Jesus calmly said, “If you do not allow me to wash your feet then walk out and don’t come back. If you want to be of my nation, then you must allow this.” Simon said, “Well, then wash all of me—my hands are pretty filthy and I haven’t washed my hair for a while…” Jesus interrupted him, “You are already completely clean, because your commitment to me cleanses you. If you’ve taken a bath, you just need your feet washed, not your whole body. Yet your whole is not clean.” When Jesus said this last bit, he was referring to the Betrayer, who was still there in the room with them.
After all their feet had been washed, Jesus took off the apron, put on his dress coat, and stood in front of them. “Do you understand what I have done? You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Master’, which is good, because that’s who I am. So if you see your Master being hospitable to you, then you must do so to each other. I gave you this example, so that you would act in this way. You are not greater than I—I am the one who sent you. It is good if you know what I teach you, but it is better if you do it—if you do what I do. Mind you, I am not talking to all of you. I have chosen you, but one of you was chosen to fulfill the Scripture, ‘He who receives my hospitality has slapped me in the face.’ I tell you this ahead of time so you will understand when it happens. Listen carefully—whoever welcomes into his home one of my workers actually receives me. And whoever receives me welcomes God who sent me to earth.


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