Thursday, June 19, 2008

Prayer in Luke 11

The desperately literal translation is in bold, the dynamic translation is in italics.

And it happened that they were with him in the place where he was praying, as he stopped, some of the disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples."
And he said to them, "When you pray, say, 'Father, make your name holy. May your kingdom come. Give to us our daily bread today. And forgive us our sins for we forgive all those who owe us. And do not lead us into testing.'"
He also said to them, "Who of you, to have a friend and he comes to one at midnight and he says to him, 'Friend lend me three loaves because my friend came of the way to me and I do not have to place before him. And the one inside answering, says, "Don't bother me. The door is already shut and my children are with me in the bed. I am not able to get up and give to you.' I say to you, if he does not give to him, getting up because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will give him getting up whatever he needs.
"Also I say to you, ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Who of you fathers, his son asks for a fish and instead of a fish you give to him a snake? Or, asking for an egg, gives a scorpion? If therefore you, being evil, know to give a good gift to your children, how much more will your father in heaven give the holy spirit to those who ask him

Jesus’ disciples were with him at one point when he was praying. Politely, they waited until he finished, then some of them asked him, “Lord, John taught his disciples what to say when they prayed. Please do the same for us.”
Jesus replied, “Say this when you pray, along with your other prayers:
‘Our Provider and Protector—
Cleanse your soiled reputation.
Rule over the whole earth.
Meet today’s needs, even as you do every day.
Wipe away our sins before You,
Inasmuch as we forget the debts we have against others.
And since we are so weak, please don’t test us more than we are able to bear.’

Additionally, Jesus said, “Suppose you were in your bedroom at midnight having sex with your wife. A good friend of yours comes over, walks in and begins knocking at your bedroom door. After you don’t answer he says, ‘I know you’re in there. Look, one of my kids is sick and I need you to drive me to the 24 hour Walgren’s to get some medicine.’ You reply, ‘Look, I’m in bed and I’m… well, I’m in bed! I can’t get up now. Take a bus or something.’ You may not help him because he’s a good friend of yours, but because he doggedly continues to knock at your door, you WILL get up and help him with whatever he wants.

“Even so, the one who asks of God will receive. The one who seeks God will find. The one who knocks (and knocks and knocks) at God’s door will have it opened. If you fail in asking, you get nothing.

“Suppose your kid wants a hamburger—would you give him a urinal cake? Suppose your kid is bugging you for some juice—would you give him bleach? Look, no matter how bad of a father you are, you know how to give something good to your kids. So why do you think God will give you something bad? If you ask, God will gladly grant you the Holy Spirit for healing and wisdom and strength.”


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