Friday, November 16, 2007

Luke 14

The literal, word for word translation is the first paragraph, and the SKV-- highly dynamic translation-- is in italics

And hearing this, one of those sitting said to him, "Blessed are those who eat bread in the kingdom of God." But he said to him, "A certain man had a huge dinner and he called many and he sent his slave at the hour of the feast to say to those who had been called, 'Come because everything is ready now.' And they began to ask to be excused, one and all. The first said to him, 'I purchased a field and I have a duty, going, to see it. I beg you, have me excused.' And another said, 'I have purchases five pairs of oxen and I am going to test them. I beg you, have me excused.' And another said, 'A woman I have married and because of this I am unable to come.' And the slave arriving, reported this to his lord. Then the master of the household, being furious, said to his slave, 'Go immediately to the wide and streets and bring here the poor and crippled and blind and lame.' And the slave said, 'Lord, your command is done and there is still room.' And the lord said to the slave, "Go to the roads and hedges and compel them to come so that my house may be filled. For I say to you that no one of the men who were called will taste of my feast.' "

Jesus was at a party and he gave a speech. Hearing him, one of those listening announced, “How wonderful it will be for those who are at the party of God!” Jesus replied with a story: “There was a man planning a party and he sent invitations out. As a reminder, he sent one of his employees out at the time of the party to all those invited. But they—every one—offered excuses instead. One said, ‘Oh, I just bought some real estate and I need to go look at it. So sorry, but I’m just too busy to come.’ Another said, ‘I just bought five work trucks and I need to test them out. I’m really sorry, but I’m too busy to come.’ Another said, ‘I just got married, and, well, we’re just too busy. Sorry, can’t come.’ So the employees returned to their CEO and explained all this to him. He fumed and he told his employees, ‘OK, fine. Then go downtown and invite every beggar—the bums, cripples, winos and indigent.’ After a bit, the employees reported back to him, ‘We did as you requested, sir, but the hall still looks pretty empty.’ So the CEO said, ‘Then go out of the city and collect the passers through, all the immigrants looking for work and other foreigners. Convince them to come in until the banquet hall is completely full. But I swear to you, not a single one who was invited will have even a bite of my feast.’”

And large crowds gathered to him and he turning, said to them, "If someone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters and even his own soul is not able to be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and comes after me is not able to be my disciple. For who of you, wishing to build a tower does not first sit down to figure out the expense to see if he has to completion? Or else, laying his foundation and doesn't have resources to finish, all who see will begin to make fun of him, saying, 'This man began to build and is not able to finish!'

Jesus noticed that a crowd had gathered, outside the party, listening, so he said to them, “Many of you want to follow me, and be a part of my school. You can learn to do miracles, to be holy, to obtain God’s kingdom. But listen carefully—you can’t be a student in my school until you hate your father, hate your mother, hate your wife, hate your children and brothers and sisters. You can’t be part of my school until you hate your very life. To be a part of my school, you’ve got to be ready to be branded a rebel and killed as a traitor. Look,if you are going to paint your house, you want to know how much it will cost ahead of time, don’t you? Because otherwise, you get halfway done and run out of money to buy more paint and anyone passing by laughs at you and says, ‘Look, this guy started something but he couldn’t finish it.’

Or what king, going to meet another king in battle, will not sit down first to consider if he is able with ten thousand to fight against twenty thousand upon him. Or else, while he is far, is he sending messengers to ask for peace? In the same way, therefore, all of you who does not give up everything of his own possessions is not bale to be my disciple.

Suppose two countries were at war. The presidents of the countries would certainly sit down and make sure that their army was large enough to defeat the other. But suppose that one found that his army was only half the size of the other. Wouldn't he begin working out a negotiation of peace, surrendering everything he had to prevent this war? Even so, God is coming, and you aren't ready for him. If you want to be in my school, and so be ready, you must surrender all of your possessions, just like that king."

Therefore salt is good, but if even salt is pointless, with what will it be seasoned? It is of no use, neither for the earth, nor for the dung-heap. It is thrown out. He who has hears to hear, let him hear.

You may think that you are different, the salt of the earth, the stuff of which the church will really make a difference. But if salt has no flavor—if it’s just the same as everything else—then how can you make it useful again? It is pointless—not of any use for food or anything else. So we just throw it out. What do you think God will do with “salt” that is the same as dirt? If you’ve got a half a brain, then understand this.


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