Thursday, January 12, 2006

Religious Deeds (Matthew 6:1-18)

Don’t do your religious deeds openly so that you would gain something from others, or else you will not gain any blessing from your Father in heaven.

When you give to the poor, don’t let it be known with a megaphone, as some pretenders do in churches and benevolence centers so that people would say how great they are. Listen here, they’ve already got their pay. As for you, keep your giving even a secret from yourself— hide it, if you can. For God sees every hidden thing and will pay you back according to what he sees.

When you pray, don’t be like the pretenders who make a show of praying in the churches and on street corners so people would notice their prayers. Listen to me, they have already got everything they asked for. But as for you, pray in the room with no windows, shut the door and pray to your Father, whom no one sees. But God, he will see you in hiding and give to you accordingly.

Also, don’t go on and on in prayer, like people who don’t believe—they think God hears them because of their speech. Your Father knows your need before you even ask, so don’t be like those who get carried away with long prayers.

This is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven
Your reputation is smeared—make your name holy!
This world is corrupt—make your kingdom come!
Make your desire be accomplished on earth, even as it is truly accomplished in heaven!
Give us everything we need this day to survive.
Cancel our debt to you, as we will cancel the debts others owe us.
Don’t bring us into situations that test our faith in You
But take us out of the realm of evil.

If you wipe away people’s sins, your Father will fully accept you. But if you do not fully accept others, your Father will not wipe away your sins.

When you fast before God, don’t be a sad sack like the pretenders—they put on an unhappy face so people would notice their fasting. Listen to me, they’ve already got everything they’re fasting for. As for you, act in your fast as you normally would—put on normal clothes and do your normal hygiene. No one will notice your fast except your Father in heaven, who is unseen. God will see your hidden act and give to you accordingly.


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