Thursday, July 10, 2008

Revelation 4: God as Lord of All

After these things, I saw and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which I had heard like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come here and I will show you what is necessary to happen after this." Immediately I was in the spirit

After I took down all these letters,I looked up and noticed with surprise an open doorway in the sky. The bullhorn voice I had previously heard spoke again, “Come through this door and I will show you the later things.” At that moment, I had entered the Spirit world and everything was different.

And behold a throne was standing in heaven and upon the throne one was sitting. And the one sitting was like in appearance a stone of jasper and carnelian and a rainbow was around the throne like in appearance made of emerald. And around the throne was twenty four thrones and upon the thrones were twenty four elders sitting, being clothed in white garments and upon their heads were golden crowns. And from the throne come lightning and sounds and thunder and seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God. And before the throne was like a sea of glass like crystal.

I was in heaven, in the spirit world and at the center of all things was a throne, with the One sitting on the throne. I couldn’t see the One well, as he was shining like a clear stone of many colors, almost like a ruby. Around the throne was a stone, not unlike an emerald, except that it was like a rainbow. And I remembered the word God had spoken, that a rainbow would always be before Him to remind him to never destroy the human race.

There were twenty four thrones circled around the one throne. In each throne sat the leaders of God’s people. They were dressed in black robes, like priests, but they had golden crowns on their heads.

The voice of God, coming from the being on the central Throne, was like thunder and loud sounds and flashes of light. All around the Throne were seven powerful flames—and I knew that these were the powerful spirits of God who did God’s will through the earth. Also in heaven was a great sea, which had water as clear as crystal. In this does the most powerful spirits live, even those who were the great enemies of humanity. But the one on the throne was Lord of them all.

And in the midst of the throne and around the throne four living ones, full of eyes in front and behind. And the first living one was like a lion, and the second living one was like a calf, and the third living one had a face as a man and the fourth living one was like a flying eagle. And the four living ones, each of them having six wings, covered with eyes all around and within, have no rest day and night, saying, "Holy holy holy, Lord The God The Almighty-- He who was, and He who is and He who is coming."

Also in the throneroom of God were four powerful representatives of Living Ones. They supported the throne and was around the throne, even as the temple shows. They all had eyes all over them. The first power was like a lion—representing the wild beasts. The second power was like a young ox—representing the domesticated beasts. The third one had a face that seemed human—representing humanity. And the fourth power was like a living eagle—representing the beasts of the sky. Each of these creatures had six wings and even the wings had eyes all over them. They saw all things in their realm and reported to the Lord of Heaven. And without end, all day and all night, they would cry out “Holy holy holy! Yahweh, the all-powerful God! All history is His, as is this age and all that is to come!”

And when the living ones give glory and honor and thanks to the one who sits on the throne, to the Living One forever and ever, the twenty four elders fall before the one who sits on the throne and worship the eternally Living One and throw their crowns before the throne, saying, "You are worthy, our Lord and our God to receive the glory and the honor and the power because you created everything and because your will they existed and were made.”

The Enthroned One is receiving all of this praise and honor and gratitude—He is the Lord of all the living eternally, through all ages. Every time the four living ones proclaim His power, the twenty four elders would get off of their thrones, fall down before the Enthroned One, and place their crowns before Him. At this time, they would all say, “You alone, our Lord and God, are deserving to receive the praise and honor and all authority that we have to give you. You alone fashioned everything. Because you desired it, everything exists and You made them.”


At 2:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.


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