Thursday, February 05, 2009

Letter To The Church of Washington D.C. (Rev. 2)

John, take this dictation:

To the Power of the congregation of God’s people in Washington D.C.:

This is a message from He whose sword—the Word of Power—cuts both against the world and the people of God.

I know the difficulties you face, and that you live in the city of Satan’s throne, where people worship politics as the replacement of God. But you did not deny me, even in the days of Martin Luther King, my witness who faithfully spoke the truth, who was killed by Satanic forces.

But I hold these things against you:

The teaching of Balaam, who taught Barak how to compromise the people of God by seducing them and leading them into false worship, is rampant among you. I have taught to love your enemies and you teach that killing your enemies at times is justified. I have taught that the least shall be the greatest, but you uphold the boasters, not the humble. I have taught to seek God’s kingdom, but you teach to seek the kingdom of this world.

You also adhere to the teachings of those who advocate compromise with the government of the world, so that the church can have success in this life.
You need to turn away from compromise of all kinds. If you stand with the world, then when I come to judge the world, I will judge you as well. Only those who remain steadfast in me, in opposition to the ways and powers of the world, will remain standing on the final day, for I will cut down every compromiser with the word of my mouth.

If you have an ear, hear what God says to His people.

The steadfast, victorious one will receive the loaves and fishes from my hand. That one will receive the “not guilty” verdict from the jury of the council of heaven.

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