Thursday, February 05, 2009

Letter To the Baptist Church (Rev. 2)

John, take this dictation:

To the Power of the congregation of Baptists:

This is what the Father of your country says who wears a white robe, bare feet and has the power of heaven:

I know how powerful your work for the kingdom is. I know your love for my people, your remaining in my ways, that you have served the community well and the fact that you’ve stuck by me in hard times. You are a great collection of my people!
However, I have something which I hold against you:

You have completely accepted the Jezebel in your midst, who comes to you as a teacher and has encouraged you to worship other gods. She encourages you to worship the god of Mammon, to find your security in your wealth. She encourages you to worship the god of Employment, to find your salvation in working for another. She encourages you to worship the god of Government, to find your hope in all that politics can offer you. And her servants openly worship these other gods.
I have given her an opportunity to repent, but she has refused—she still openly teaches and promotes these other gods. I will cause her to become sick, so she can mingle with the demons of judgment for a while. And everyone who followers her will catch the same sickness, and some will even die. Then every congregation will know that I am the One who knows the intents of all, but judges each person on their actions.

If you have not participated in the honoring of false gods, then you need have no fear of judgment. If you have not pursued the “deep truths”, which actually comes from the enemy, then please just keep doing what you have been.
The Victor is the one who acts like me until the end, and that one will watch as I take over every power and every human realm and I crumple them like a piece of paper and toss them aside as garbage is thrown away. And that one will share in my authority over heaven and earth.

Whoever has an ear, pay attention to what God tells his people.

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