Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Parable of the Lover

Based on the parable of the soils:

A great lover travelled from town to town to court many women. He spoke words of love to all who would listen to him. He wrote notes of love to prudish women who, in their offense, dropped them immediately, and men of the town would pick them up and laugh at them, mocking him.

He spoke tender words to daughters of wealthy businessmen and they swooned and quickly agreed to meet him at night. However, when their fathers found out, they forbid their daughters to go. And because they agreed quickly and didn’t deeply love him, they remained at home.

Other women fell in love with him and promised their heart to him forever, but then they became focused on their families and jobs and so they never had the time to meet with him.

But sometimes his song of love strikes some women’s hearts and they meet with him night after night. And soon the countryside was filled with children of these women in love.

Let me explain to you the parable of the great lover: The lover is the speaker of God’s loving truth to all. When someone hears about God’s utopia, some don’t want to have anything to do with it and are immediately offended by it. Satan then takes God’s word from them and mocks it in their heart. These are the prudish women.

The daughters of businessmen are those who hear God’s truth and are immediately elated by it and accepts it without really considering it—but the word isn’t at the heart of their being. So when difficulties or suffering come to them because of accepting God’s truth, they quickly forget their elation and turn away.

The busy women are those who believe in God’s word with their whole heart, but their daily concerns distract them. Their jobs, their families, and a need for greater wealth and security distract them away from the word. Soon, the word becomes small in their heart and they never actually do what it says, although they had every intention to.

The women in love, though, are those who hear about God’s utopia and embrace the message fully. And then the world is full of the fruit of their love and obedience.

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