Friday, November 16, 2007

Mark 5

And they came to the other side of the Sea, to the region of the Gerasenes. And coming out of the boat, immediately a man with an unclean spirit met him from the graves. He had his home in the graves. And no one was able to bind him not even a chain. Because often he had been bound feet and chains and the chains and feet impediments were pulled off by him and broken and no one was strong enough to control him. And always night and day he was shouting and beating himself with stones among the graves and in the mountains. And seeing Jesus from afar, he ran and worshipped him and shouting with a loud voice, he said, "What is between me and you, Jesus son of the Most High God? I command you by God, do not torture me!" For he said to him, "Come from the man, unclean spirit!" And he asked him, "What is your name?" And he said, "My name is Legion for we are many." And he begged him much in order that he not send him from the region. But there was a great herd of pigs feeding on the mountain. And they begged him, saying, "Send us to those pigs so that we might go into them." And he allowed them. And coming out, the unclean spirits entered the pigs and the herd, about 2000, rushed toward the bank to the sea, and they drowned in the sea. And the herdsmen fled and reported to the city and the fields. And the people came to see what is happening. And they came to Jesus and looked at the demoniac sitting down, dressed and sensible, who had the legion and they were frightened. And those who had seen told them how it happened to the demoniac and about the pigs. And they began to beg him to leave from their territory. And he was embarking on the boat, the demoniac begged him to come with him. And he did now allow him, but he said to him, "Go to your home to yours and report to them everything the Lord has done for you and had mercy on you. And he went away and began to announce in Decapolis all Jesus had done to him and everyone marveled.

Jesus and the twelve crossed the Sea to the land of Gerasene. As soon as Jesus left the boat, an insane man met him. This was a man who made his home in the cemetery, and no one could bind him to take him to the hospital. They had tried to put on a straight jacket and bind him with handcuffs, but he broke off all impediments and no one was strong enough to subdue him. And he would shout all day and all night, beating himself against the rocks of the hills. He spied Jesus from afar and ran up to him and honored him by bowing down. Jesus commanded the spirits, “Come out of the man!” but he responded, “What do you have against me, Jesus, Son of the Highest God? I implore you, don’t torture me!” Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” And he said, “My name is Horde, for we are numerous.” He begged him not to exile them from this land. They noticed a huge herd of pigs feeding on the hillside, so the spirits cried out, “Command us to go to the pigs and we will enter them.” So Jesus permitted it. So the unclean spirits left the man and entered the two thousand pigs, who immediately rushed down the slope and downed in the sea.
The caretakers of the pigs fled and told everyone they met about the incident, in both town and field. Those who heard came to see what was happening. As they came to Jesus, they saw the insane man, sitting, neatly clothed and sensible and they were scared to death. Those who had seen the incident told the whole story about the insane man and the pigs. And the Geraseans asked Jesus to leave the region.
As Jesus was getting back on the boat the formerly insane man begged him to allow him to depart with him. Jesus said, “No, but you go back home and tell your family and friends everything God has done for you and how He had mercy on you.” So the man left and told all who he met in his whole country what Jesus had done for him and everyone was amazed.

Luke 16

And there was a certain rich man and he dressed in purple and fine linen, living in luxurious joy every day. But a certain poor man named Lazarus was placed at his entrance, covered with sores. And longing to be fed from that which fell from the table of the wealthy man, and also the dogs came and licked his sores. And it happened that the poor man died to be carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. And the wealthy man died and was buried. And in Hades he raised his eyes, being in pain, he saw Abraham from a distance and Lazarus in his bosom. And calling, he said, "Father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue because I am in great pain in this flame." But Abraham said, 'Child, remember that you received your good in your life and Lazarus in the same way evil. But now here, he is comforted and you are in great pain and with all this between us and you a great chasm has been established so that those who wish to cross over from this place to yours are not able to, nor can they cross over from there to us.' But he said, "Therefore I beg you, father, that you send him to the house of my father, for I have five brothers, so that he may declare to them in order that they not also be brought to this place of pain.' But Abraham said, 'They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them.' But he said, 'No, Father Abraham, but if someone comes to them from the dead they will repent.' But he said to him, 'If Moses and the prophets they will not listen to, neither will they be convinced if someone is raised from the dead.'

There was a rich man who dressed in bright colors and fine cotton, living with his excellent entertainments daily. There was also a disabled poor man named Lazarus who begged outside his property daily, who was obviously sick. Lazarus dreamed about laying under the wealthy man’s table just to eat what fell on the floor, but all he got were kids coming by, yelling at him and throwing things at him. The poor man finally died, and angels carried him to Abraham in heaven. And the wealthy man also died and was given a proper burial, but ended up in hell where he was in agony. The wealthy man looked up and saw Abraham and Lazarus in heaven from a long distance off and he called out, “Father Abraham! Father Abraham! I am a religious man, so please do me a favor and ask Lazarus to come over to give me just the smallest amount of pain reliever because I am in terrible agony.” Abraham replied, “My son, do you remember in the time of your life? You had all the good, and Lazarus had all the evil in the world. Now in this life there is finally justice so Lazarus is comforted and you are in agony. Besides, the distance between us is so great that no one can go from one side to the other.” The rich man yelled out again, “Then could you please send Lazarus to my family? I have five brothers and I don’t want them to suffer here with me.” Abraham replied curtly, “Let them listen to the Bible.” The man said, “But they don’t, Father Abraham! But if someone comes to them from the dead to sternly warn them, they will listen.” Abraham replied, “If those Scrooges won’t listen to the Scriptures, then they won’t listen to a ghost.”

Luke 12

And someone from the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to apportion with me the possession." But he said to him, "Man, who appointed me a judge or divider between you?" And he said to them, "Watch out and be wary from all covetousness because in having more than enough, his life is not consisting in his possessions.

A young man called out to Jesus from the crowd and said, “Teacher, command the trustee of my father’s will to give me my share of the inheritance!” Jesus replied, “I am not a lawyer or a judge—why should I get involved?” Then Jesus told everyone, “Guard yourself from every form of trying to get more in the world. When you finally get everything you want and more, then you finally realize too late that stuff is not what life is about.”

And he told a parable to them, saying, "The land of a wealthy man produced well and he considered in himself, saying, 'What should I do because I don't have a place to gather my produce?' And he said, 'I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones and there I will gather all my gain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods stored up for many years. Relax, eat, drink and be merry." ' But God said to him, "Idiot! This night your soul is required of you. So whose is what you have prepared?' Thus is he who stores up for himself but is not rich toward God."

“There was an entrepreneur who ran his own business. One year, he did exceptionally well, and found that his business had outgrown his little store. So he was contemplating what he would do with his surplus profit, so, talking to himself, he said, “I know! I will rent a larger store, hire a couple of employees and the business will practically run itself! Then, over a few years I will have a tidy nest egg stored up and I’ll say to myself, “You have found the good life. Now it’s time to relax, and enjoy your retirement.”’ In that instant, however, God’s voice spoke to the man, “You are such an idiot. This very night your life is to be taken from you. So who will enjoy what you are planning?” This is what happens to a person who works for himself and his family, but who never gives to God by giving to the poor.”

Don't be afraid, little flock, because your Father has delighted to give to you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the needy, and you give to yourselves a purse that does not wear out, a treasure never decreasing in heaven where a thief does not come near nor a moth destroys. For where our treasure is, there also is your heart."

Don’t be afraid to surrender your possessions, my dear students. You Father has happily determined that you are to have the whole kingdom of God—what do you need of useless trinkets? Go ahead and sell your stuff and give freely to those in need. Then you will have a savings that you can never use up, and is much safer than a bank, a mattress or your penny-pinching aunt. God will preserve it for you. But take this proposal seriously, and don’t blow it off—because what you use your money on is what you are devoting yourself to.

Mark 10

And as he came out on the way, running to him and kneeling before him and asked him, "Good teacher, what should I do in order to possess eternal life?" But Jesus said to him, "Why tell me "good"? No one is good except God. You know the commands: "Don't murder," "Don't cheat on your spouse," "Don't steal," "Don't commit perjury," "Don't defraud," "Honor your father and mother."" But he said to him, "Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth." But looking straight at him, Jesus loved him and said to him, "One thing you have need of: Go, sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and coming, follow me." But, being downcast at these words, he went away saddened, for he was having many possessions.

As Jesus returned to his travel, a man ran up to him and bowed in front of him. The man asked, “O Holy Teacher! What must I do to obtain eternal life!” Jesus, assuming this was some brown-noser who was looking for a positive answer, said, “Why do you call me “holy”? Only God is holy. I’m sure you’ve heard about the commands that make you right with God—“Don’t murder,” “Don’t cheat on your spouse,” “Don’t steal,” “Don’t commit perjury,” “Don’t defraud,” “Honor your father and mother,” and all the others. But the man, desperately, said to Jesus, “Teacher, I have already obeyed these from my youth. Isn’t there anything more?” Then Jesus truly noticed him and felt love for him and said, “There is just one thing you need: Go home right now, sell everything you have and give the money to the needy. Then you will have the treasure in heaven you desire. And when you are done with all that, follow me on my journey.” The man stood silently, his face downcast, then he walked away slowly, dejected, for he had many possessions.

And, looking around, Jesus said to his disciples, "How difficult it is for those with many possessions to enter the kingdom of God." The disciples were shocked at his words. But Jesus again answering, said to them, "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to go through they eye of the needle than for the rich to enter the kingdom of God." And they were all the more astonished, saying to themselves, "Then who is able to be saved?” Looking straight at them, Jesus said, "For men this is impossible, but not for God, for everything is possible for God."

Then Jesus turned around and said to those following him, “People with a bunch of stuff have a hard time getting into heaven.” Jesus’ student’s were shocked, but Jesus repeated himself, “Kids, it’s very hard to enter into God’s nation. It’s easier to fit a Starbucks in one of their cups than for one of the well-off to get through the gates of heaven. It’s easier for Donald Trump to deflate his ego. It’s easier for Twiggy to swallow a space shuttle. That’s how hard it is for them to give up their stuff..” The students were wide-eyed and mumbled, “Who could possibly be saved, then?” Jesus heard this and stared at them, “It is impossible for any human—but for God, nothing is impossible. He can do anything He wishes.”

Peter began to say to him, "Behold, we have left everything and are following you." Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the gospel, but wouldn't receive a hundred fold now in this time-- houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, with persecutions, and in the coming age, eternal life. But many who are first will be last and those who are last, first."

Then Peter spoke up, “Look, we left everything to wander places with you.” Jesus replied, “That’s true. And there isn’t anyone who gave up their siblings, parents, and jobs for me and for God’s truth that won’t get a hundred times as much. Even now, before God’s nation fully comes, those who gave up everything will get a hundred times as many siblings, parents and food. Of course, this all comes with being rejected by the world, but you do obtain eternal life in the next age. Just remember this: the first will be last and the last will be first.”

Luke 14

The literal, word for word translation is the first paragraph, and the SKV-- highly dynamic translation-- is in italics

And hearing this, one of those sitting said to him, "Blessed are those who eat bread in the kingdom of God." But he said to him, "A certain man had a huge dinner and he called many and he sent his slave at the hour of the feast to say to those who had been called, 'Come because everything is ready now.' And they began to ask to be excused, one and all. The first said to him, 'I purchased a field and I have a duty, going, to see it. I beg you, have me excused.' And another said, 'I have purchases five pairs of oxen and I am going to test them. I beg you, have me excused.' And another said, 'A woman I have married and because of this I am unable to come.' And the slave arriving, reported this to his lord. Then the master of the household, being furious, said to his slave, 'Go immediately to the wide and streets and bring here the poor and crippled and blind and lame.' And the slave said, 'Lord, your command is done and there is still room.' And the lord said to the slave, "Go to the roads and hedges and compel them to come so that my house may be filled. For I say to you that no one of the men who were called will taste of my feast.' "

Jesus was at a party and he gave a speech. Hearing him, one of those listening announced, “How wonderful it will be for those who are at the party of God!” Jesus replied with a story: “There was a man planning a party and he sent invitations out. As a reminder, he sent one of his employees out at the time of the party to all those invited. But they—every one—offered excuses instead. One said, ‘Oh, I just bought some real estate and I need to go look at it. So sorry, but I’m just too busy to come.’ Another said, ‘I just bought five work trucks and I need to test them out. I’m really sorry, but I’m too busy to come.’ Another said, ‘I just got married, and, well, we’re just too busy. Sorry, can’t come.’ So the employees returned to their CEO and explained all this to him. He fumed and he told his employees, ‘OK, fine. Then go downtown and invite every beggar—the bums, cripples, winos and indigent.’ After a bit, the employees reported back to him, ‘We did as you requested, sir, but the hall still looks pretty empty.’ So the CEO said, ‘Then go out of the city and collect the passers through, all the immigrants looking for work and other foreigners. Convince them to come in until the banquet hall is completely full. But I swear to you, not a single one who was invited will have even a bite of my feast.’”

And large crowds gathered to him and he turning, said to them, "If someone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters and even his own soul is not able to be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and comes after me is not able to be my disciple. For who of you, wishing to build a tower does not first sit down to figure out the expense to see if he has to completion? Or else, laying his foundation and doesn't have resources to finish, all who see will begin to make fun of him, saying, 'This man began to build and is not able to finish!'

Jesus noticed that a crowd had gathered, outside the party, listening, so he said to them, “Many of you want to follow me, and be a part of my school. You can learn to do miracles, to be holy, to obtain God’s kingdom. But listen carefully—you can’t be a student in my school until you hate your father, hate your mother, hate your wife, hate your children and brothers and sisters. You can’t be part of my school until you hate your very life. To be a part of my school, you’ve got to be ready to be branded a rebel and killed as a traitor. Look,if you are going to paint your house, you want to know how much it will cost ahead of time, don’t you? Because otherwise, you get halfway done and run out of money to buy more paint and anyone passing by laughs at you and says, ‘Look, this guy started something but he couldn’t finish it.’

Or what king, going to meet another king in battle, will not sit down first to consider if he is able with ten thousand to fight against twenty thousand upon him. Or else, while he is far, is he sending messengers to ask for peace? In the same way, therefore, all of you who does not give up everything of his own possessions is not bale to be my disciple.

Suppose two countries were at war. The presidents of the countries would certainly sit down and make sure that their army was large enough to defeat the other. But suppose that one found that his army was only half the size of the other. Wouldn't he begin working out a negotiation of peace, surrendering everything he had to prevent this war? Even so, God is coming, and you aren't ready for him. If you want to be in my school, and so be ready, you must surrender all of your possessions, just like that king."

Therefore salt is good, but if even salt is pointless, with what will it be seasoned? It is of no use, neither for the earth, nor for the dung-heap. It is thrown out. He who has hears to hear, let him hear.

You may think that you are different, the salt of the earth, the stuff of which the church will really make a difference. But if salt has no flavor—if it’s just the same as everything else—then how can you make it useful again? It is pointless—not of any use for food or anything else. So we just throw it out. What do you think God will do with “salt” that is the same as dirt? If you’ve got a half a brain, then understand this.