Thursday, February 05, 2009

Letter To The Evangelicals (Rev. 2)

John, take this dictation.

To the Power which rules over the congregation of Jesus’ people, the Evangelicals:

This is from the King, who rules over God’s stars, the Powers that stand before God.
This is from the High Priest of the congregations, who brings the prayers of the people of God to God’s throne.

I know all that you have done for Me, all of your service. I know that you have upheld my name despite those who deny me. I know that you won’t put up with false teachers, but test every so called “apostle” or “prophet” or “teacher” that comes in my name. Some you have found to be untrue, denying Me, and you have rightly labeled them “heretics”. I know that some have attacked you because of your stand for me, and yet you are ready to continue to be standing on my behalf.

But there is a serious issue that I take stand against you: You have walked away from the love you initially lived out. You would be kind to all my brothers, helping the weak, and now you deny them, and so you deny Me. You have forsaken your love for the needy and so forsaken Me.

Correct yourself. Remember the acts you did previously and do them again. If you do not, I will take you from God’s presence and your prayers will not be heard. Heaven will become a ceiling to you, unless you renew your love.

Admittedly, you are opposed to the “Victorious People”, whom I am opposed to as well.
If anyone can hear, then pay attention to the Spirit’s word to the people of Jesus.
The conquering heroes will receive fruit from the tree of life and so obtain eternal bliss in the paradise of God.

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Letter to the Underground Church In China (Rev. 2)

John, take this dictation:

To the Power of the congregation of God’s people underground in China:

I am the ruler of all things from the least to the greatest.And I am the one who was killed unjustly, but God vindicated me by raising me from the dead.

O My people, I know your great suffering and your poverty in the sight of all around you— Yet, here with Me, you have great wealth!

I know about the traditionalists, the so-called “congregation of God” who speak terrible slander about You. But they are not of God’s congregation, but Satan’s.
Don’t be afraid of your suffering—that which you have received nor what is coming. The Great Liar and Evil Prosecutor is going to throw some of you into prison for a limited period of time. This is done to test your faith.

If you remain true to me—even to death—then I will give you the reward of life that never ends.

If anyone can hear, then pay attention to the Spirit’s word to the people of Jesus.

The Victor may die, but won’t be touched by the death which comes at the judgment of all people.

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Letter To The Church of Washington D.C. (Rev. 2)

John, take this dictation:

To the Power of the congregation of God’s people in Washington D.C.:

This is a message from He whose sword—the Word of Power—cuts both against the world and the people of God.

I know the difficulties you face, and that you live in the city of Satan’s throne, where people worship politics as the replacement of God. But you did not deny me, even in the days of Martin Luther King, my witness who faithfully spoke the truth, who was killed by Satanic forces.

But I hold these things against you:

The teaching of Balaam, who taught Barak how to compromise the people of God by seducing them and leading them into false worship, is rampant among you. I have taught to love your enemies and you teach that killing your enemies at times is justified. I have taught that the least shall be the greatest, but you uphold the boasters, not the humble. I have taught to seek God’s kingdom, but you teach to seek the kingdom of this world.

You also adhere to the teachings of those who advocate compromise with the government of the world, so that the church can have success in this life.
You need to turn away from compromise of all kinds. If you stand with the world, then when I come to judge the world, I will judge you as well. Only those who remain steadfast in me, in opposition to the ways and powers of the world, will remain standing on the final day, for I will cut down every compromiser with the word of my mouth.

If you have an ear, hear what God says to His people.

The steadfast, victorious one will receive the loaves and fishes from my hand. That one will receive the “not guilty” verdict from the jury of the council of heaven.

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Letter To the Baptist Church (Rev. 2)

John, take this dictation:

To the Power of the congregation of Baptists:

This is what the Father of your country says who wears a white robe, bare feet and has the power of heaven:

I know how powerful your work for the kingdom is. I know your love for my people, your remaining in my ways, that you have served the community well and the fact that you’ve stuck by me in hard times. You are a great collection of my people!
However, I have something which I hold against you:

You have completely accepted the Jezebel in your midst, who comes to you as a teacher and has encouraged you to worship other gods. She encourages you to worship the god of Mammon, to find your security in your wealth. She encourages you to worship the god of Employment, to find your salvation in working for another. She encourages you to worship the god of Government, to find your hope in all that politics can offer you. And her servants openly worship these other gods.
I have given her an opportunity to repent, but she has refused—she still openly teaches and promotes these other gods. I will cause her to become sick, so she can mingle with the demons of judgment for a while. And everyone who followers her will catch the same sickness, and some will even die. Then every congregation will know that I am the One who knows the intents of all, but judges each person on their actions.

If you have not participated in the honoring of false gods, then you need have no fear of judgment. If you have not pursued the “deep truths”, which actually comes from the enemy, then please just keep doing what you have been.
The Victor is the one who acts like me until the end, and that one will watch as I take over every power and every human realm and I crumple them like a piece of paper and toss them aside as garbage is thrown away. And that one will share in my authority over heaven and earth.

Whoever has an ear, pay attention to what God tells his people.

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Letter To The Anglican Church (Rev. 3)

John, take this dictation:

To the Power of the congregation of the World Anglican Church:

From the Authority over all the churches, and who has authority over God’s eyes and arm:

I have seen what you really do in the world. I know how everyone honors you and talks about how lively, important and powerful you are. But you aren’t alive at all, but dead. You are made up of only reputation, not life. Remember your past—how you focused on my word. You heard it, accepted it, kept it alive and changed your life because of it. So I warn you—be ready! I am coming for you to make a determination about you and you have no idea when, like a mugger at night.

Not all of you Anglicans, however, have defecated upon yourselves. They live my life in sincerity and deserve to be rewarded, not just because they have a good name.

The one who is victorious over their own desires and compromise will be presented before God in pure, holy clothes. Their name will not just be their reputation, but it will be written in the book of Life. Their name will not be sullied by the world, but I will declare it before my Father and all the hosts of heaven.

Whoever has an ear, pay attention to what God tells his people.

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Letter to the Church at Orissa (Rev. 3)

John, take this dictation:

To the Power of the congregation of Orissa:

This is from the Speaker of Truth, the Holy One in the presence of the Great Judge, the Gatekeeper of heaven, who opens to some and shuts to others:

I know what you have done, and the door to heaven is open to you and no one can shut it. This is due to the fact that you have little influence on the earth—no one will support you at all. Yet you have remained true to me and you continue to teach my word and have not denied me, even one bit. Yes, there are those who claim to be of God, and persecute you in God’s name, but they are not of God, but deniers of the Reality. I will act against them, persecuting them from heaven as they persecute you on earth, and they will come and bow down to you, requesting your help, for they will know that I love you. You have been so faithful to keep my word I will keep you safe in the destruction that will sweep the whole of the earth. Others will be tested as to their faithfulness—you have already been tested. I come to you quickly. Stay in the path you have not yet strayed from so that no one can take away your reward at the end of the journey.

The one who claims victory over fear of persecutors will be a pillar in God’s temple in heaven. They will never stray from God’s presence, nor be a non-entity in the spiritual places. The victor will have God’s name tattooed upon him and my name. Also, he will be a permanent citizen in Jerusalem—not the Jerusalem of earth, but the city that comes from heaven to reign over the nations.

If anyone has an ear, he should pay attention to what God is telling his people.

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Letter To the Church of Prosperity (Rev. 3)

John, take this dictation:

To the Power of the congregations of Prosperity:

From the One who spoke the truth of what He saw in heaven, the one with integrity and faithfulness, the one who became the beginning of God’s act of setting aside this world in order to make a new one:

I know all that you have done, and you are nothing. You aren’t my enemy, nor are you zealous for Me. You faithfully come to church and sing my praises, and you do nothing with them! I would prefer that you were zealous against me than just proclaiming me and never living it! You are mediocre, and thus you are disgusting to me. I am ready to cast you away from me.

This is because you say, “We are rich! We have obtained everything through faith! We need nothing—not health, not wealth, not power, not prestige. We have it all!” You have no idea how you look in the spiritual realm. I see you before me and you are a beggar: miserable, hand stretched out, crippled, in rags. But you refuse to take what I offer. I offer you true wealth, if you would but surrender your false wealth, but you reject it. I offer you true healing in your soul, but you reject it to take healing of the body. I offer you the proper clothing of righteousness, but you reject it to dress yourself in the sad garments you fill your closets with. I offer you true knowledge and you prefer your blindness. If only you would accept my offer! You stand in public in the most shameful display and I can fix all of your weaknesses!

I love you, and so I will discipline you. I rebuke you now, but only because I really want you to live. Here I am now, I am at the door to your church. I would come in, but you must first repent. Invite me in—who I truly am. And we will truly be family, eating together as brothers, sharing together with the poor.
The one who is victorious over his own wealth and desires, I will grant him to sit on my ruling throne with me. I was victorious through poverty and death—he who follows me in this will be victorious with me.

If anyone has ears, pay attention to what God says to his people.

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